
Coding is a assigned process to program an object, like; a computer, a phone, robots, making games and programming machines. The first programmer was a female named “Ada Lovelace”, she wrote the world’s first program in 1842. She was inspired to program by speculating an ‘analytical engine’. She used the ‘analytical engine’ to make “other things other than numbers” and she got the idea of creating the first computer program or code.

Ada Lovelace, during a lecture on Babbage’s analytical engine, she was a mathematical genius. She made an program-changing contribution to the analytical engine. She was the first computer programmer in history. Only a small piece of the Analytical Engine was ever built in that time so Lovelace had not that much to work with.

If you want more information about coding or Ada Lovelace, here some links you can use.

Ada Lovelace;


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